Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: February 1, 2025 - Last updated: February 1, 2025


Author: Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius

Title: Imaging Kyivan Rus’ then and now, or how to look at Antin Losenko’s Vladmir and Rogneda

Subtitle: -


Volume: -

Issue: 3

Year: 2024 (Published online: November 12, 2024)

Pages: 9 pages (PDF)

eISSN: 1618-8101 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: German

Keywords: Medieval History: 10th Century; Modern History: 18th Century | European History: Belarusian History, Russian History, Ukrainian History | Cases: Real Offenders / Vladmir the Great; Cases: Real Victims / Rogneda of Polotsk; Types: Rape; Types: Wartime Sexual Violence / Feud of the Sviatoslavichi; Offenders: Social Status / Noblemen; Victims: Social Status / Noblewomen; Representations: Art / Anton Losenko


Link: heiJOURNALS (Heidelberg University Library) (Free Access)


Author: Personal Website,, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Abstract: »Antin Losenko’s Vladmir and Ro gneda (1770), presenting a scene from the history of Kyivan Rus’, has been discussed widely in the context of the origins of Russian history painting and of the invention of the Pan-Russian national iconography in which the imagery of pre-Muscovite Russia served as the myth of origin. The painting was immediately successful because it complied with the requirements of the Imperial Academy of Art to glorify Vladimir while putting blame on “haughty” and treacherous Rogneda. The vexed issue of Rogneda’s rape by Vladimir, as well as that of the Ukrainian ethnicity of its maker, has hardly been considered so far. Borrowing from Walter Benjamin’s thesis on history as a constellation of past and present, I aim to identify counter-discourses that emerge in the process of a close visual analysis of this image by the contemporary viewer at the time of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the name of “the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians”, but also at the time of the “me-too” movement against sexual violence« (Source:

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of Belarus | History of Europe: History of Russia | History of Europe: History of Ukraine / Kievan Rus' | Art: Russian painters / Anton Losenko, Vladimir and Rogneda | Sex and the law: Rape / Rogneda of Polotsk, Vladimir the Great | Sex and the law: Wartime Sexual Violence | War: Feud of the Sviatoslavichi